Mountain View MHP Owners deceptive on Rent Control

Mountain View MHP Owners deceptive? Fight brewing over rent control petition Signature gatherers allegedly misleading residents about landlord-backed initiative by Mark Noack / Mountain View Voice The push to collect signatures for a landlord-backed rent control initiative is leading to many reports of paid workers bending the truth to get residents to jot down their … Read more


A lot of CA resident groups living in problem MH parks have viewed Eminent Domain as sort of a ‘Holy Grail’ — their vision: the local City Fathers, aware of the resident’s plight, acquire the park and transfer it to the group.

Buying Your Park – 3 Keys To Success

A friend of mine described a resident park purchase as being like a supertanker heading out to sea. If you’ve never seen a supertanker, they’re huge. The largest ones are 1,200 feet long (that’s 4 football fields). Each can hold millions of barrels of oil.

The Frog on the stove

Many of you may remember the old story (a science class experiment maybe?) about the frog in the pot on the stove.
If you put a frog in a pot and slowly turn up the heat, the frog won’t notice and you will end up with frog legs (if you like that sort of menu item) for dinner.

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